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Python: 在 Edge 上使用 selenium关于 Selenium Manager
selenium 自 4.6 版本开始,内置了 Selenium Manager 会自动下载 chromedriver/msedgedriver 缓存用与运行。
也就是说可以不用再手动下载 chromedriver/msedgedriver 等驱动。如果你愿意,你仍可以手动指定驱动路径。
在 Selenium 4.11.0 提供了 Selenium Manager 非常相关的新功能:支持 Chrome for Testing (CfT) 端点,用于 chromedriver 管理和自动 Chrome 管理(也基于 CfT)。What’s new in Selenium Manager with Selenium 4.11.0 | Selenium
从 Selenium 4.12.0 开始,Selenium Manager 将遵循与 Selenium 相同的版本。尽管如此,由于 Selenium Manager 仍处于测试阶段,因此其主要版本为 0。因此,Selenium 4.12.0 随 Selenium Manager 0.4.12 一起提供。What’s new in Selenium Manager 0.4.12, shipped with Selenium 4.12.0 | Selenium
推荐版本:selenium 4.12 及以上
- 自此版本起,selenium manager 版本与 selenium 一致。
- 感觉之前没有版本号,就连更新日志都是从 0.14.2 版本开始的。changelog file
- 自 selenium 4.11 版本起,内置的 selenium manager 支持 chrome for testing。
- 使用 chrome 的话,selenium 4.11 之前,从 chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com 查询下载 chromedriver,这个网站在中国联不通;而 selenium 4.11.0及之后的版本可以从 googlechromelabs.github.io 查询下载,联的通。
msedgedriver.exe 下载
Microsoft Edge WebDriver - Microsoft Edge Developer
全部版本:Microsoft Edge - Webdriver
chromedriver.exe 下载
ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome - Downloads (latest version: 114.0.5735.90)
Chrome for Testing availability (version: 115.0.5763.0 - now)
CfT 下载方法:在下面 JSON API endpoints 的 known-good-versions-with-downloads.json 搜索你的版本号,存在的话根据平台替换版本号进行下载,不然就找最接近你的版本的。
JSON API endpoints:
Endpoint | Descriptio |
known-good-versions.json | The versions for which all CfT assets are available for download. Useful for bisecting. |
known-good-versions-with-downloads.json | Same as above, but with an extra downloads property for each version, listing the full download URLs per asset. |
last-known-good-versions.json | The latest versions for which all CfT assets are available for download, for each Chrome release channel (Stable/Beta/Dev/Canary). |
last-known-good-versions-with-downloads.json | Same as above, but with an extra downloads property for each channel, listing the full download URLs per asset. |
latest-patch-versions-per-build.json | The latest versions for which all CfT assets are available for download, for each known combination of MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD versions. |
latest-patch-versions-per-build-with-downloads.json | Same as above, but with an extra downloads property for each version, listing the full download URLs per asset. |
latest-versions-per-milestone.json | The latest versions for which all CfT assets are available for download, for each Chrome milestone. |
latest-versions-per-milestone-with-downloads.json | Same as above, but with an extra downloads property for each milestone, listing the full download URLs per asset. |
- Selenium Manager (Beta) | Selenium
- What’s new in Selenium Manager with Selenium 4.11.0 | Selenium
- What’s new in Selenium Manager 0.4.12, shipped with Selenium 4.12.0 | Selenium